Some information about me!
- Have experience managing server with google cloud engine with centos and debian
- Create distributed computing with RabbitMQ as broker with Celery.
- Using full web stack framework like Django or micro like Flask
- Experience with MySQL and SQLALchemy.
- Testable code using pytest.
- Uwsgi and Gunicorn as WSGI http server.
- Experience with Docker, ELK, Git and other development tool.
- Favorite programming language python and go but open to other language
Work Experience
PT Sebangsa Bersama / Backend Programmer
July 2015 - Present, Yogyakarta Have responsibility create and maintenance webservice used by and another project. Make sure webservice can handle a lot of request simultaneously and scale horisontal or vertical.
Universitas Mercubuana Yogyakarta / S1
2015 - 2018, Yogyakarta Bachelor of Information Systems
Amikom / D3
2012 - 2015, Surakarta Diploma in computerized accounting.
Flask SQLAlchemy Workshop as Speaker
8 - 9 Juni 2017 flask sqlalchemy workshop for 2 days.
Workshop Image Search and Image Classification
24 Februari 2018 Talks about Convolutional Neural Network for Image Classification.